Trukmė: 0:21
Watch how to properly assemble Mammafeel teat
so close to mum’s breast and safe for breastfeeding.
teat flow for foods of thicker consistency .
adapted to the feeding stages.
convenient packaging, which can be used to sterilization.
matte, delicate surface of the teat imitates mum's skin, its texture and delicacy.
unique, flesh-coloured ring of the teat naturally resembles the colour and softness of the areola of the nipple.
wide, profiled shape modelled on mum's breast and perfect proportions ensures that the baby’s mouth is positioned at the right angle, the lips are tightly sealed, and the baby can breathe freely through the nose, what reducing the risk of colic.
thanks to the soft dynamic tip and hard base, it does not disturb the suckling reflex.
right support for baby's mouth and correctly folded lips, what allows each baby to suck comfortably, without the mouth slipping off the surface of the teat.
teat valve and the correct position of lips on teat reduce the risk of colic.
unique technology of two types of silicone with different hardness.
dynamic teat
caja para esterilizar
Teat inspired by mother’s breast
Naturalness and elasticity because the delicate ring on the teat resembles the aerola of the nipple
Shape and proportions modelled on mum's breast, ensure that the baby’s mouth is positioned at the right angle
Do not disturb the suckling reflex, thank to the dynamic teat
First teast with a unique technology of two types of silicone with different hardness
Case (packaging) to sterilization
Inovatyvus "Mammafeel" žindukas, savo spalva, forma ir dinamika itin primenantis mamos krūtį.
Taigi net ir žįsdamas pieną iš buteliuko, kūdikis gali pajusti mamos artumą. O mama, net ir prireikus maitinti iš buteliuko, galės be jokių sunkumų vėl grįžti prie žindymo krūtimi.
Mammafeel žindukas atsižvelgia į prie žindymo pripratusio vaiko pojūčius, pvz:
- mamos krūties prisilietimas.
- odos aksominis švelnumas.
- pažįstama forma ir spalva.
- krūties minkštumas ir elastingumas.
"Mammafeel" buteliuko dinaminis žindukas ne tik maksimaliai imituoja artumą ir natūralų žindymą iš krūties, bet ir netrikdo žindymo reflekso, todėl kūdikis galės laisvai grįžti prie mamos krūties.
Trukmė: 0:21
Watch how to properly assemble Mammafeel teat