Many mums worry whether their breasts produce enough milk. The doubts usually occur when a child often cries, demands breast more frequently than usual, breasts become soft and you do not need breast pads anymore. However, these factors do not indicate low milk supply.
Crying does not necessarily mean that your child needs more food - if he gains weight properly, there is another reason for crying. Increased milk demand occurs during developmental leaps - about 3, 6 and 12 week and 3 and 6 month of age. Then the baby may want to suckle all the time, and thanks to it milk production increases within 2-3 days in accordance with growing needs of the little one. Actual low milk supply can be suspected if baby's weight gain is insufficient, if he uses less than 6 diapers a day in the first month of life, and when he is constantly anxious. If this is the case you should consult a lactation specialist who will be able to determine the cause of inadequate milk supply and recommend appropriate action.
Lactation has not been properly activated during early breastfeeding due to mother's or child's health problems
Let down reflex was disturbed by stress, fatigue, pain, emotional problems
Reduced fluid and food supply, anemia
Long intervals between feedings - too rare and weak stimulation of milk production
Feeding a baby with formula without consulting your doctor - it reduces the number of breastfeeding sessions and limits lactation
Feed frequently. Do not give up night feedings.
Ask your family for help with daily chores. Try to rest a lot, especially in the first month after birth.
Do not feed the child who gains weight properly with infant formula..
Express milk with an electric breast pump between feedings. Effective expressing of large amounts of milk will increase its production.
Make sure to drink 2 liters of fluid a day and keep a healthy diet (frequent meals rich in vitamins, protein, calcium and other nutrients).
Drink nursing tea for breastfeeding women.
You can stimulate lactation by frequently expressing milk between feedings.
A popular opinion says that breastfeeding is a great sacrifice on a woman's part for a baby's good. The truth is this way of feeding is advantageous not only to the baby but also to the breastfeeding mum.
Can I breastfeed after a C-section? Will I have milk? Will my baby know how to suck?" These questions often trouble future mothers with an elective C-section. We would like to convince you that a C-section is not an obstacle ...
You are expecting a baby and want to breastfeed, or maybe you have already started this exceptional adventure, but your head is full of questions and doubts, as in many cases it is not an easy and problem-free task. We will ...
Are you pregnant and intend to breastfeed? Or maybe you have already given birth and are looking for information here because of problems with breastfeeding your baby? Sometimes, something that seems natural is not easy, ...
Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift that nature gave to women. A gift both for the child and for mothers themselves. Explore the benefits of breastfeeding.
To achieve successful beginnings of breastfeeding, you will need self-confidence, patience, support from the loved ones and getting acquainted with a handful of tips that will allay fears and doubts.
What is the difference between colostrum and the proper milk? How to latch? We ask ourselves these questions at the beginning of feeding. Here you will find the answers.
Although many mums worry about it, breastfeeding does not make breasts unattractive. Just take care of them properly choosing the appropriate underwear, cosmetics and products for lactation hygiene.
During feeding the baby sometimes swallows air that accumulates in the digestive tract and can cause colic, bloating and posseting. Therefore, after each feeding you should encourage your child to burp. We show 3 burping ...
The initial failure of breastfeeding may be associated with sore, inverted or flat nipples. Explore solutions to help yourself overcome these problems.