Colostrum: Benefits of First Milk   

Colostrum is mother's milk that appears immediately after delivery and has unique properties. Find out more about it. 

Data publikacji: 25-11-2019 Data modyfikacji: 25-11-2019

Properties of Colostrum

Colostrum is the first milk that begins to form during pregnancy (usually around 20 week) and lasts several or several dozen hours after delivery. Colostrum is gradually changing and its composition begins to resemble more and more classic mother's milk. 

But its composition is significantly different from milk which is being produced only in later stages. It looks also different. Colostrum is more yellow, denser, acidic and its taste and smell are also different.

Why Colostrum Is So Important?

It is important to try to start nursing immediately after birth, as soon as possible. Firstly, it is important for the stimulation of lactation, but also colostrum has beneficial properties which are extremely significant. 
Even a small amount of colostrum will protect the newborn against threats and nourish his body.

Colostrum increases body’s resistance, supports passing of meconium and is easily digestible.

Colostrum is extremely rich in proteins that accelerate the development and maturation of the digestive system of a small mammal. 

Above all, colostrum contains a very high concentration of antibodies that effectively defend the baby in the first period after delivery when it is most exposed to pathogens and its immune system is still in its infancy. Thanks to prostaglandins, colostrum is a specific filter that protects the child's organs. What is more, colostrum is a natural antibiotic for a newborn and although there is not much of it, its functions cannot be overestimated.

Composition of Colostrum

Colostrum is a unique mixture of ingredients that no, even the best, formula can replace. It contains hormones (including growth), enzymes, amino acids, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin (immune regulator) and leukocytes, i.e. white blood cells that build the child's immunity. In addition, it is a vitamin bomb (vitamins A, C, B, E, D3 etc.) and it is extremely rich in minerals (chlorine, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron etc.) necessary for proper development. 

Colostrum is low in calories compared to mature milk. It has about 50-65 kcal, while breast milk has about 75 kcal. However, for a small tummy, even minimal amount of colostrum is a sufficient source of energy. 

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