LOVI Prime Silicone Dynamic Soother 6-18m 2 pcs Lilac/Violet

Katalogové číslo: 34/422

LOVI Prime Silicone Dynamic Soother 6-18m 2 pcs Lilac/Violet

Katalogové číslo: 34/422
Choose the right size of Prime soother

- size of the nipple has been adjusted to the child's age and stage of development, but it differs from the nipple in standard LOVI soothers​

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Dynamic soother

- do not disturb the suckling reflex and natural development of speech and bite patterns*​

*provided that the orthodontic and logopedic recommendations are followed

Protects the suckling reflex

- dynamic nipple expands and shrinks with the baby’s suckling motions

Safe for breastfeeding

- symmetrical teat is based on the shape of a nipple filled with milk, which provides baby familiar feeling similar to that of the breast.

Breathing freely through the nose

- profiled shield with cutout makes it easier to breathe through the nose and swallow saliva, just like with the breast

Safe for bite and speech

- flattened nipple and thin neck of the soother, allow baby to close his mouth freely and properly work its gums while sucking

Does not deform in the mouth

- nipple is made of durable silicone that does not deform in the child's mouth during use

Does not burden the child's bite

- a very light soother does not burden the child's mouth and minimizes the risk of malocclusion

Gentle to the skin

- shield sticks to the skin as little as possible, which allows free air flow and reduces the risk of skin irritation


- delicate silicone is a neutral material that does not cause allergies to the child

Harmonious design

- designed with attention to detail

V setu:

  • 2 ks dynamických dudlíků LOVI

  • pouzdro pro hygienické uchovávání dudlíku

  • Nalévání vroucí vody Nalévání vroucí vody
  • Sterilizátor Sterilizátor
  • Nepoužívejte v myčce nádobí Nepoužívejte v myčce nádobí
  • Sizes of the nipple in Prime soothers differ slightly from the sizes of the nipple in standard LOVI soothers. ​

    If your child is aged 6-18 months and has so far used a standard LOVI 6-18 soother, choose LOVI Prime 18m+, where the size of the nipple is the same and the silicone itself is stronger and more resistant to biting.

  • nenarušuje sací reflex

  • bezpečné pro kojení

  • does not interfere with the proper development of speech and bite, provided that orthodontic and neurological recommendations are followed

  • it is very light, so it does not burden the child's bite

  • profiled shield ensures easy breathing through the nose

  • silicone nipple does not deform in the mouth

  • practical packaging – case for sterilization in a microwave oven

 LOVI Prime dynamic soother is safe for the sucking reflex and does not disturb the development of speech and bite*.​

Dynamic soother, thanks to its unique construction of silicone of various thicknesses, stretches and contracts according to the baby's sucking rhythm. Thanks to this, it protects his sucking reflex and does not have an adverse effect on breastfeeding. Symmetrical shape of teat is based on the shape of a nipple filled with milk, which provides baby with a familiar feeling similar to that of the breast.​

Soother shield has a special cutout to facilitate breathing through the nose and swallowing saliva, just like with the breast. Contoured shield adheres as little as possible to the child's skin, which facilitates free air flow and reduces the risk of skin irritation. ​

Additionally, LOVI Prime dynamic soother does not disturb the development of speech and bite*. Soother’s nipple is flattened and the neck is so thin that it allows the child to close mouth freely and work its gums properly while sucking, and to provide enough space in the mouth for the tongue to work, which reduces the risk of malocclusion and speech defects*. ​​

Soother is light so that it does not burden the child's mouth, and nipple is made of silicone, so it does not deform in the child's mouth during use. ​

LOVI Prime soother has an attractive, fashionable design - it is a perfect addition to a child's outfit, as it has carefully selected colors in line with the latest trends. ​

*provided that orthodontic and neurologopedic recommendations are followed.
