LOVI offer now includes Prime soothers, which combine an attractive, fashionable design and care for the natural sucking reflex and proper development of speech and bite.​


LOVI offer now includes Prime soothers, which combine an attractive, fashionable design and care for the natural sucking reflex and proper development of speech and bite.​

New LOVI Prime soothers have dynamic nipple that are sized according to the child's stage of development. The selection of nipple sizes appropriate to the baby's age was consulted with experts: neurological therapists. 

Sizes of the nipples in Prime soothers are slightly different from the sizes of the nipples in standard LOVI soothers. Experts concluded that, according to the latest knowledge, the smallest nipple is more beneficial for children up to 6 months of age. Thanks to this, children in this important period of life have more space in the mouth for the tongue to work, which not only supports the protection of the sucking reflex, but also protects the proper development of speech and bite. This also influenced the selection of the size of nipple for older children. ​

For now, standard LOVI soothers have been left in pre-selected sizes, which are also safe to protect the sucking reflex and protect the development of bite and speech. However, if your child has already used standard LOVI soothers and is accustomed to the size of the nipple on these soothers, and you want to choose a Prime soother for him, it is worth using the following tips: ​


If your baby is: ​

  • aged 0-3 months and used a standard 0-3 soother, it is best to purchase LOVI Prime 0-6 ​

  • aged 3-6 months and used a standard LOVI 3-6 soother, you can purchase LOVI Prime 6-18 (it has the same size of the teat) ​

  • aged 6-18 months and used the standard LOVI 6-18 soother, you can buy LOVI Prime 18m+ - the size of the nipple is the same, and the silicone itself is stronger and more resistant to biting. ​

If your child is starting their adventure with soothers, it is worth following the stages in the Prime soother. ​

However, if you use both a standard LOVI soother and a LOVI Prime soother, select the size of each type of soother depending on your child's needs using the table below:


Standard LOVI soother​

Prime LOVI soother​

0-3 months​

Small nipple​

Small nipple​

3-6 months​

Medium nipple​

6-18 months​

Big nipple​

Medium nipple​

18m+ months​

Big nipple + resistant to biting​

Big nipple + resistant to biting​