NEW! Dynamic miniSOOTHERS in Baby Shower collection

LOVI Silicone Dynamic MiniSOOTHER® was designed especially for newborns by doctors and neurological speech therapists. It’s shield is smaller and thinner than in case of other LOVI soothers. The soother nipple is made of high – quality silicone that is safe for baby.


Discover the other advantages of our miniSOOTHERS:

- dynamic soothers have a symmetrical shape that is similar to that of the breast nipple,

- do not disturb the suckling reflex and the natural development of speech and bite patterns,

- nipple is made of high – quality silicone which smell and taste is not perceptible to the child.


Baby Shower collection is available in two color lines: for girls and boys. In each set, one of the soother has a glowing hand, which makes it much easier to search for a soother at night. Baby Shower collection, as its names suggest, is inspired by the fashion for parties organized for a future mother and a baby.


Baby Shower collection includes not only soother, but also bottles and soother clips with ribbon.