The Difference Between First And Second Pregnancies

You are pregnant a second time and you are wondering if this pregnancy will be similar to the previous one? Not necessarily. Find out how your pregnancy may differ the second time around. 

Data publikacji: 05-09-2019 Data modyfikacji: 05-09-2019

Each subsequent pregnancy may or may not resemble the previous one. It is possible that it will be for you a rewind and playback, but you can also find out that everything is different. However, there are some things which usually differ. Find out which. 

Less stress

Usually, when expecting the next child you are much calmer than the first time. You have more experience and you are more aware of what is happening. You will probably no longer learn a pregnancy book by heart and you will not worry about small things. You know more or less what to expect and it gives you more peace of mind. 

More responsibilities

If your second pregnancy is not too distant from the first, it means that you have a toddler at home that needs your attention. This means that you can now be more tired and less focused on your needs. If your first child is small and does not sleep at night, you can also be sleepy all day long. All this can cause that you will be much more tired and irritable in the second pregnancy. Try to relax whenever there is a chance. If you have the opportunity, ask someone to take your toddler for a walk and during this time use a good nap. 

Your tummy grows faster

After pregnancy your body changes. That is why in the second pregnancy the muscles give up the growing uterus faster and your tummy is visible earlier than the first time, sometimes even by a few weeks. This is perfectly normal so you shouldn't be concerned. 

Earlier fetal movements

In the second pregnancy, you're more likely to feel fetal movements sooner. It, of course, does not mean, that the child develops differently. There are basically two reasons for feeling baby move earlier. First of all, it's easier for you to recognize them. In the first pregnancy, when you have no experience yet, it is more difficult. Secondly, your muscles are not that hard and you start to feel that the fetus is growing and moving sooner. 

Higher weight gain

Usually in the second pregnancy you are gaining more weight. Higher weight is often the result of problems with getting back to your usual weight after your first pregnancy. Higher weight gain can result in stretch marks, especially since the skin is becoming less elastic. Try to keep a proper weight and lubricate the skin with balm every day. In fact, the massage, patting and rubbing, is much more important than the type of cosmetic. You don't have to buy expensive stretch marks creams, focus more on being systematic in doing the message. 

Earlier and stronger preliminary contractions

This is almost the same case as with the baby first moves; you already know what to expect and how it looks, so you can detect preliminary contractions earlier. Contractions in the second pregnancy can also be stronger what is very often a sign of a shorter labour. 

Easier and faster labour

After delivery your body changes. The changes that have taken place in it support the second delivery, which is why it is usually faster and less painful. The birth canal is more relaxed, muscles are not so hard, hips are wider. The cervix opens faster and the second delivery usually lasts up to several hours less than the first.

Remember! If the first delivery took place by C-section, it doesn't mean that the next time you also have to have C-section. 

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