Examinations of the LOVI Expert Electric Breast Pump 

LOVI Electric Expert Breast Pump

The results of LOVI Expert Electric Breast Pump clinical trials

The LOVI Expert Electronic Breast Pump was successfully used in neonatal clinics and was carefully assessed by qualified medical professionals and mothers who used it to express breast milk. The assessment relied on a uniform survey completed on an ongoing basis by a group of over 60 women. First of all, the pump was found effective (it enabled users to express about 100 ml in 10 minutes on average), comfortable and very quiet, which was stressed by the respondents. Secondly, it helped to induce lactation in mothers of premature babies and women who had caesarean deliveries.

LOVI Electric Expert Breast Pump



of the mothers assessed the LOVI Expert Breast Pump as very good or excellent


confirmed that the LOVI Breast Pump met their expectations

Expert's review

The Centre for Lactation Science at the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Teaching Hospital in Warsaw: ‘The Lovi Expert Breast Pump was used under the supervision of medical professionals (midwives and lactation consultants) who helped mothers to choose a breast pump and taught them how to use it. The Lovi Expert meets the expectations of mothers who express milk in hospital for their premature babies. It enables them to express the adequate amount of milk to feed the baby and maintain lactation.’