Breastfeeding course

Breastfeeding is the greatest gift you can offer to your baby.


It is the perfect state which the baby instinctively seeks from the moment of birth. That is why LOVI wants to protect lactation and the natural suckling reflex. Based on the analysis of problems encountered by the nursing mothers, we have prepared a unique program called the "Breastfeeding Course" offering professional support with breastfeeding - a thorough guide, covering the basic breastfeeding facts and tips.

Lesson 1

Breastfeeding is worth it


Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift that nature gave to women. A gift both for the child and for mothers themselves. It is, therefore, important to breastfeed as long as possible. Explore the benefits of breastfeeding.

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Lesson 2

How is milk produced and what happens during suckling


What determines the production and flow of breast milk? How does suckling take place? Answers to these questions are extremely helpful when solving lactation and baby's suckling problems.

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Lesson 3

Preparation for breastfeeding


To achieve successful beginnings of breastfeeding, you will need self-confidence, patience, support from the loved ones and getting acquainted with a handful of tips that will allay fears and doubts. We can also advise on how to prepare your breasts for feeding.

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Lesson 4

Starting breastfeeding


How long and often should you breastfeed? How does the production of milk change after birth? What is the difference between colostrum and the proper milk? How to latch? We ask ourselves these questions at the beginning of feeding. Here you will find the answers.

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Lesson 5

Breastfeeding positions


At the beginning of the milky way, you fed often and long. Therefore, it is necessary to settle down in a comfortable position for feeding. Analyse the 5 positions recommended by lactation consultants and select the most comfortable for yourself.

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Lesson 6

Burping after feeding


During feeding the baby sometimes swallows air that accumulates in the digestive tract and can cause colic, bloating and posseting. Therefore, after each feeding you should encourage your child to burp. We show 3 burping positions.

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Lesson 7

Breast care during lactation


Although many mums worry about it, breastfeeding does not make breasts unattractive. Just take care of them properly choosing the appropriate underwear, cosmetics and products for lactation hygiene.

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Lesson 8

Breastfeeding troubleshooting


The beginning of breastfeeding may be difficult. The breastfeeding skill must be mastered by both mother and child. Mistakes made during breastfeeding and the lactation physiology may bring about temporary problems. Learn more about their causes and ways of solving them.

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Lesson 9

Breastfeeding during infections and other diseases


During infection, breast-feeding is advisable, even during fever and runny nose. It protects the baby against infection. However, there are diseases that prevent breast feeding. Check when you can, and when you should not feed naturally.

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Lesson 10 

Breastfeeding mother's diet


Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a huge effort for your body. They often come with tiredness, when you need to take care of your baby and do not get enough sleep - all these do not favour quick recovery. Stress, fatigue and malnutrition do not facilitate lactation. Therefore, your diet should be well balanced. It can not lack valuable nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and calcium.

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Lesson 11

Baby colic - what to do?


Baby colic keeps many parents awake at night. It's a painful and uncomfortable ailment of babies that can last for several months. Explore the causes and proven ways to alleviate it.

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Lesson 12

Expressing, storing and heating milk


Breastfeeding mums may face with the situations where it is necessary to express milk: a small amount to relieve full breasts or more to feed the child. You can express milk manually or with a breast pump.

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Lesson 13

Alternative feeding methods safe for breastfeeding


When you temporarily can not breastfeed, or you want to leave your child in the care of another person, or when a pediatrician recommends top-up feeding, give the baby your expressed milk in a way that does not disturb the natural suckling reflex and does not discourage the little one from suckling breast.

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Lesson 14

Accessories useful during breastfeeding


Besides your breasts filled with milk you may find useful, or even indispensable, additional accessories. Check what you will need at the beginning and during difficult breastfeeding moments.

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