8 Dangerous Symptoms During Pregnancy

Nausea, backache and excessive drowsiness are usual inconveniences that appear during pregnancy and are not cause for worry. However, some symptoms that arise during this period may require immediate consultation and medical intervention.

Substantive consultation: Paweł Palacz, MD, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Data publikacji: 15-07-2019 Data modyfikacji: 07-08-2019

1. Genital tract bleeding

Vaginal spotting may appear at the beginning of pregnancy, after about 2 weeks of fertilisation; it is easily mistaken for menstrual bleeding. You should not worry about it. At this stage, women often do not know that they are pregnant.

Other bleeds are usually symptoms of pathology and must never be underestimated. The causes can be easily compensated (e.g. general fatigue) but they can also be dangerous to the pregnancy and lead to miscarriage.

One of the possible and dangerous for the woman causes of bleeding is ectopic pregnancy. This means that an embryo has nested outside the uterus, where it has no chance to develop and can lead to haemorrhage.

Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy may be due to placental abruption, abnormal placenta location (placenta praevia), premature labour, trauma or cervical disease.

If you experience bleeding, especially with pain - go to the emergency room immediately.

2. Abdominal pain

If you experience mild abdominal pain, it may be related to the stretching of the uterine ligaments, which is typical in pregnancy and prepares your body for delivery. However, abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually a disturbing symptom, and when combined with bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, it is an alarming symptom because it can be a sign of miscarriage. With this type of symptoms you should consult a doctor immediately (the sooner the better).

Pain may indicate an ectopic pregnancy but it may also be a symptom of diseases that are not related to pregnancy and may be a threat to mother and her pregnancy. If you have symptoms of the so-called "acute abdomen syndrome" - severe pain accompanied by nausea, accelerated pulse - this may be due to appendicitis, kidney or pancreatic disease. Never underestimate a stomachache, especially with spasms and bleeding. If it occurs, contact your doctor immediately.

3. Weaker foetal movements

Around the 30th week of pregnancy you should check foetal movements every now and then. Perform a test and count foetal movements within an hour - there should be at least 10 movements at the foetus’ normal activity time, usually in the evening. If there are fewer movements and you feel that the foetus is less active - contact a doctor.

4. Contractions before the 37th week of pregnancy

Premature uterine contractions may indicate the beginning of labour. If you report to the doctor in time, he or she will be able to stop or slow down this process. The closer to the delivery date the baby is born the better.

5. Waters breaking before the 37th week of pregnancy

Waters breaking can also mean premature labour. A broken amniotic sac may result in foetal infection. If you see some fluid that you think is foetal water - you must go to the hospital immediately.

6. Severe vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are typical pregnancy ailments that usually disappear in the second trimester. However, if your vomiting does not allow you to eat anything, you lose weight and you also cannot keep fluids down - you must contact your doctor. This situation can lead to dehydration, which is dangerous both for you and the foetus.

7. Persistent pruritus

Mild itching of the skin is a common pregnancy symptom associated with drying and stretching the skin, especially on the stomach. However, persistent itching, usually of the hands and feet, worsening at night, may indicate malfunction of the liver and be dangerous to the foetus. If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor.


If you have unusual symptoms during pregnancy, do not hesitate to consult a doctor!

Data publikacji: 15-07-2019 Data modyfikacji: 07-08-2019

8. Oedema

During pregnancy, swelling of the legs and hands is quite a typical symptom. It is related to water retention in the body and increased blood volume. After applying compresses and resting with your legs up, such swelling usually disappears. However, if the swelling has one of the following features: involves the face, does not disappear after rest, appears suddenly, and is accompanied by high pressure - it can be a symptom of gestational hypertension. Sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness, headaches and blurred vision. When such symptoms occur, contact your doctor.

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